JW Harris’ once seemingly insurmountable lead in the bull riding world champ chase is still relatively safe but he is sitting out at least two rounds due to a broken bone in his riding hand. Harris leads Asay by nearly $100,000. With seven rides remaining and the coveted average money slipping away from Harris’ grasp the race has become at the very least….interesting.
Kanin Asay and Bobby Welsh have risen to the second and third positions in the world standings. We spoke with both men after tonight’s rodeo and we’ll have those interviews and much more video to share with you tomorrow morning.
It is imperative now though to display a great photo (by Kristin Phipps of Wyoming Travel & Tourism) of bullfighter Dusty Tuckness losing his pants tonight. He has performed masterfully throughout his first national finals and it probably isn’t fair to show this shot to begin our coverage of the Man from Meeteetse. But we just can’t help it.
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